Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology

Tricks of thyroid gland in psychiatry: Hashimoto’s thyroiditis


Atatürk University Medical Faculty, Department of Psychiatry, Erzurum - Turkey


Atatürk University Medical Faculty, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Erzurum - Turkey


Ataturk University, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Erzurum - Turkey


Atatürk University Medical Faculty, Department of Internal Medicine, Erzurum - Turkey

Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology 2012; 22: Supplement S66-S66
Read: 789 Downloads: 510 Published: 26 March 2021

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT) is one of the most common autoimmune thyroid disease, which is frequently associated with psychiatric disorders. Major Depressive Disorder (MDB), Anxiety Disorders, Psychosis and Bipolar Disorder have been reported with HT. We present a patient with MDB, resistant to different treatments who was later diagnosed as HT. An euthyroid 37-year-old man has complained of weakness, unhappiness, hopelessness, pessimism, suicidal ideations for about 2 years. Inspite of having treated with several group of antidepressants, mood stabilizers, antipsychotics at effective doses and sufficient time his complaints has remained. The patient’s physical examination, brain MRI and EEG were normal. Psychiatric examination revealed blunted affect, depressive mood, anhedonia, weight loss, distractibility and suicidal ideations. He did not respond to Electroconvulsive Therapy. After that, we arranged his treatment as imipramine 25-200 mg/d and quetiapine 200- 300 mg/d. On the 4th week of treatment hypothyroidism [T3: 1,73 pg/mL(2-4,4) T4: 0,71 ng/dL(0.93-1.7) TSH: 26,12 µIU/mL (0,27- 4,2)] were detected and a lymphocytic infiltration was found in fine needle biopsy specimens of the thyroid gland. Additionally positive antithyroid antibodies [a-TG: 2212.95 IU/ml(0-150), a-TPO: 1139.18 IU/ml(0-150)] provided the diagnosis of HT. Levothyroxine 150 mcg/d, Triiodothyronine 25 mcg/d was added to treatment. Hamilton Depression Rating Scale scores were 36/51 in first week 35/51 at 4th week and 11/51 at 8th week, Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale 45/60 in first week 42/60 at 4th week and 10/60 at 8th week, Beck Depression Inventory 47/63 in first week 41/63 at 4th week and 12/63 at 8th week. HT is often underdiagnosed because of the various clinical presentations including severe depression, that is strongly linked to suicide. The psychiatrists should be careful in patients resistant to therapy and they should exclude all organic causes.

Tiroid bezinin psikiyatriye oyunları: Haşimato tiroiditi

Hashimoto tiroiditi (HT) sıklıkla psikiyatrik bozukluklar ile ilişkili olan en yaygın otoimmun tiroid hastalıklarından birisidir. Major Depresif Bozukluk (MDB), Anksiyete Bozuklukları, Psikoz ve Bipolar bozukluk HT ile birlikte bildirilmiştir. Biz farklı tedavilere dirençli MDB’si olan daha sonra HT tanısı alan bir hastayı sunuyoruz. 37 yaşında ötiroid erkek, 2 yıldır halsizlik, umutsuzluk, karamsarlık, intihar düşünceleri şikayetleri mevcut. Çeşitli antidepresan grupları, mizaç stabilizatörleri, antipsikotiklerle etkin doz ve yeterli süre tedavi edilmesine rağmen şikayetleri devam etmiş. Hastanın fizik muayene, Beyin MRG ve EEG’si normaldi. Psikiyatrik muayenesinde elemli duygulanım, depresif duygudurum, anhedoni, kilo kaybı, dikkat dağınıklığı ve intihar düşünceleri mevcuttu. Elektrokonvülsif terapiye yanıt vermedi. Bundan sonra tedavisi imipramin 25-200 mg/gün ve ketiapin 200-300 mg/gün olarak düzenlendi. Tedavinin 4. haftasında hastada hipotiroidi saptandı [T3: 1,73 pg/mL (2-4, 4) T4: 0,71 ng/dL (0,93-1,7) TSH: 26,12 µIU/mL (0,27 -4,2)] ve tiroid bezi ince iğne biyopsisi örneklerinde lenfositik infiltrasyon tespit edildi buna ek olarak pozitif antitiroid antikorları [a-TG: 2212,95 IU/ml (0-150), a-TPO: 1139,18 IU/ml (0-150)] HT teşhisini sağladı. Levotiroksin 150 mcg/gün, triiyodotironin 25 mcg/gün tedavisi eklendi. Hamilton Depresyon Derecelendirme Ölçeği puanları ilk hafta 36/51 4. hafta 35/51 ve 8. haftada 11/51, Montgomery-Asberg Depresyon Değerlendirme Ölçeği ilk hafta 45/60 4. hafta 42/60 ve 8. haftada 10/60 Beck Depresyon Envanteri ilk hafta 47/63 4. hafta 41/63 ve 8. hafta 12/63 olarak skorlandı. HT ciddi intiharla ilişkili şiddetli depresyon da dahil olmak üzere çeşitli klinik görünümler nedeniyle genellikle atlanan bir tanıdır. Psikiyatristler tedaviye dirençli hastalarda dikkatli olmalı ve bütün organik nedenleri ekarte etmelidir.

EISSN 2475-0581