Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology
Research Abstracts

Relationship between internet addiction, psychopathology and self-esteem in university student


Department of Psychiatry, Sevket Yilmaz Training and Research Hospital, Bursa-Turkey

Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology 2015; 25: Supplement S75-S75
Read: 1023 Downloads: 701 Published: 13 February 2021

Objective: The aim of our study was to examine the relationship between internet addiction psychopathology and self-esteem in university students. Internet addiction is associated with a person’s loss of control over the use of the internet 1. Internet addiction scores were higher in individuals with high scores for many of the psychopathological features, and internet addicts were evaluated accompanied by several psychiatric disorders 2. At the same time, many factors associated with self-esteem and self-esteem have been shown to be affected by internet addiction 3.

Methods: The study involved 185 volunteer university students. Participants Internet Addiction Scale (IAS), The Symptom Check List (SCL90), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Inventory all subscales (RSE) are evaluated by all subscales.

Results: One hundred and twelve participants (60.54%) were female, 73 (39.46%) participants male and all students’ mean age 19.36±1.59 years. Internet addiction was assessed by participants completing the scale of IAS resulting in three groups: participants do not have addiction, mild and moderate/high. 99 participants (53.26%) had no dependency, 59 (32.06%) mild, 27 (14.68%) had moderate / high dependency scores. As a result of ANOVA analysis of Group IA: SCL-90 subscales (p<0.01); subscales of the RSE (except depressive mood, ability to participate in discussions, parent interest subscales) found an average differentiation (p<0.05). According to the results of the regression analysis IA subscale scores of the SCL-90 and RSEI (except relying on other people, participate in discussion, parental interest subscales) were found to predict separately. According to multiple regression analysis, the RSEI of all subscales (Self-esteem, Continuity of the self-concept, Relying on People, Criticism sensitivity, Depressive mood, Dreaming, Psychosomatic symptoms, Feel threatened in interpersonal relationships, Participate in discussion degree, interest of parents, Relationship with father, Psychic isolation) scores were evaluated. Hierarchical regression analysis showed that in the first model, the relationship of general psychopathology and relationship with father respectively explained 22.5% of IA in the score; in the second model of IA scores for obsessions and relationship with father respectively, 19.5% of which were found to explain.

Conclusion: The investigation of the etiology and treatment of psychopathological features of IA, assessing the impact of the factors “self-esteem” and “associated with self-esteem” can lead to beneficial results. Limitations of this study: the result can only be generalized to college students and is limited by the number of people included.

EISSN 2475-0581