Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology

What is done for children who are either sexual abuse victims or sexual offenders?

Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology 2014; 24: Supplement S31-S31
Read: 752 Published: 18 February 2021

To sexually abuse a child is defined as, to have a child in an activity that would satisfy the sexual hunger of an adult or to condone such an act. Also sexual activities between two kids; when the age difference in between is of 4 years or more, and the younger child is forced or convinced to be a part of the activities that harbor sexual pleasure, are also defined as sexual abuse. For children who are a victim of sexual abuse or conduct sexual abuse, there are necessary measures to be followed other than the legal process. Generally, because the attention is focused on the crime and punishment, these procedures are overlooked and sexual offenses cause much worse problems than the damage it already creates. In our country, some projects are pursued regarding what to do for sexual abuse victims once they report the crime. Child Protection Centers established in universities and Child Observation Centers established in state hospitals aim to collect all the procedure, from taking statements, to evaluating the victim physically and psychologically, under one roof. Afterwards, the child may be taken under protective custody. Sexual abuse is one the major traumas there are. Unfortunately, psychiatric and social follow up cannot be done regularly. Also these projects are still not widely spread and lack many important issues. After the psychiatric evaluation of the child for the report, there are no procedures regarding the healing process. The abused child’s treatment, which remains with their families, depends on the family’s request. In many cases, the victims do not get any treatment. There are no social projects monitoring sexually abused children. Children, who conduct sexual abuse are completely irrelevant to these projects. Other than the punishment they get, these abusing children should be monitored, treated and should get necessary social support for both their and the community’s sake. These children, who offended a crime, are sent to a doctor merely to figure out whether they are suitable for the punishment. Moreover, if their situation is not an obstacle for the punishment, but the child still in need of psychiatric treatment, nothing else is offered for this person. Not enough is done regarding these sexual offenders and the projects lack a great deal regarding the evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of these kids. This is the main reason why the crime is repeated again and again.

EISSN 2475-0581