Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology

Various reasons for self-destructive acts and objects used to commit them in 1991

Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology 2011; 21: -
Read: 643 Published: 22 March 2021

Objective: The objective of the research was to study and assess the reasons for self-destructive acts committed by the individuals that underwent outpatient forensic psychiatric examination in 1991 and to give a brief characteristic of the objects used to commit the self-destructive acts.

Methods: The statistical method and comparative analysis were employed to study the historical data of 30 archive acts of outpatient forensic psychiatric examinations covering the period of January-March, 1991.

Results: The analysis of the archive of acts revealed 30 males aged between 15 and 51 (the age range of 20 and 41 dominated). The reasons for committing self-destructive acts by the examined individuals who underwent outpatient forensic psychiatric examination in 1991 included the following: Conşicts with people around them (in 12 patients), conşict situations with parents and other close relatives (sister, brother, wife) (in 5), conşicts with inmates in place of imprisonment (in 4), conşict situations during military service (for example, a self-destructive act was committed by a serviceman to be closer to his parents house) 9in 3), an effect of command hallucinations in 2, ongoing investigation (in 1), conşict with loved ones (woman) (in 1), protest (investigator refused to allow relatives to visit the patient) (in 1), and severe headache in combination with high blood pressure (the suicide was attempted to ease the pain) (in 1). Also according to the archive documents of forensic psychiatric examination 18 out of 30 individuals used sharp, cutting, or piercing objects (razor, kitchen knife, or pen knife, glass, fragment of a broken mirror, wire, sharpened coin, cigar case, etc.), 3 individuals used washing line or belt, 3 patients used a medicine in tablet form, 1 individual used a medicine in liquid form, and 1 patient used the effect of low temperatures (long deliberate stay in cold weather in winter).

Conclusion: The research findings demonstrated that the most common reasons for self-destructive acts committed by the examined patients in 1991 were conşict situations with individuals, out of prison, and in the society rather than conşicts in place of imprisonment or in place of military services. The objects used to commit self-destructive acts included: Sharp, cutting, or piercing objects (most often razor and kitchen knife), washing line, and a medicine in tablet form (antibiotics, phenazepam, cyclodolum, etc.).

EISSN 2475-0581