Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology
Original Papers

Turkish Validity & Reliability of The Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology Adolescent Version (QIDS-A17-SR) In Comparison with The Beck Depression Inventory-II Among Late Adolescents


Buca Cimentas Family Health Center, Izmir - Turkey


Cankiri Karatekin University Faculty of Education, Department of Sociology, Cankiri - Turkey


Cankiri Karatekin University, Cankiri - Turkey


Izmir Tepecik Training and Research Hospital, Family Medicine Clinic, Izmir - Turkey


Izmir Katip Celebi University Ataturk Training and Research Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, Izmir - Turkey


University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Clinical Sciences, Dallas - USA

Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology 2016; 26: 303-309
DOI: 10.5455/bcp.20151221100426
Read: 1045 Downloads: 597 Published: 21 January 2021

Introduction: The Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology Adolescent Version QIDS-A17-SR has never been used before as an instrument measuring major depressive disorder symptomatology among Turkish adolescents. Researcher aimed to examine the psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the QIDS-A17-SR.

Methods: This study was conducted among 342 of Cankiri Karatekin University’s late adolescent students from the Faculty of Education during the period between December 2014 and January 2015 academic years. The QIDS-A17-SR was translated into Turkish and was administered to students along with the Beck Depression Inventory-II-Turkish scale. The p value (p<0.05) was found as statistically significant.

Results: The mean age was 20.1±1.5 (SD) years, and 77.5% of the students were female. The internal consistency coefficient of the QIDS-A17-SR was 0.81. In the confirmatory factor analysis, one factor model fit well. By using a modified model, goodness of fit indices of the scale were improved to the sample.

Conclusions: As the Turkish QIDS-A17-SR showed good psychometric parameters, it could be used confidently for measuring major depressive disorder symptomatology in Turkish adolescents. It is a free, accessible, and practical instrument.

EISSN 2475-0581