Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology

The preliminary results of the Farket group therapy program based on mindfulness-based cognitive therapies in Turkish population

Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology 2014; 24: Supplement S272-S272
Read: 766 Published: 17 February 2021

Objectives: The Farket is a group therapy program for depression and anxiety cases in remission or semi-remission period based on mindfulness-based cognitive therapies. The aim of the program is to develop patients’ coping skills with stress, anxiety, depression and ruminative thinking style; and improving the mindfulness skills (Teasdale et al, 2000; Evans et al, 2007). The main skills of Mindfulness therapy are paying attention to the present moment, non-judgmental observation, cognitive decentering, acceptance and experience. These skills prevent the formation of cognitive distortion and they ease the working of schemas in the therapeutic process. Rather than the content of thoughts, this approach focuses on the process of thoughts. In addition, this program also aims to improve the life quality of participants to have a meaningful life. The Farket program is the first mindfulness-based cognitive group therapy program in Turkey; and this research shows the preliminary results of the effectiveness and accessibility of the program in Turkish population.

Method: The pilot applications of the Farket program lasts 3,4 or 6 weeks, and are applied in an university hospital psychiatry clinic setting. There are 8-10 participants in each program. It uses mindfulness skills, techniques and CBT models to explain the relationship between emotions, thoughts and behaviors. During the program, it also includes daily homework exercises. To measure the effectiveness of the program, before and after the all sessions, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and Mindfulness Awareness Attention Scale (MAAS) were applied.

Results: Of 38 patients who started to the program, 24 of them completed at least 4 sessions of the program. Results were reported on the 19 female and 5 male participants. According to the results of the study, there were statistically significant reductions in the levels of BDI from baseline to the end of groups therapy sessions (BDI-Before m=16.10, sd=9.36; BDI-After m=9.04, sd=6.62). In addition, MAAS scores were also significantly improved after finishing the program (MAAS-Before m=5.97, sd=14.09; MAAS-After m=61.08, sd=12.07). On the other hand, the participants did not show significantly reduced anxiety levels (BAI) after finishing the program. The numbers of the attended sessions in the program does not have an impact on the results of BDI, BAI and MAAS levels. In addition, there were not statistically significant differences between females ‘and males’ BDI, BAI and MAAS scores. Using psychiatric medicine and being under psychotherapeutic treatment also do not have a significant effect on the changes of psychological well-being and mindfulness attention awareness skills levels.

Conclusion: After the preliminary results, it is seen that this approach was useful for people with depressive ruminative thinking style or depression in remission or semi-remission period. In Turkish population, it helps to improve the skills of coping with stress and depressive ruminative thinking. The lack of significant difference in the levels of anxiety may be open to a number of possible explanations. To investigate and enhance the improvement in the anxiety levels, more programs should be applied in Turkish population.

EISSN 2475-0581