Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology

Neurological comorbidities and consultation of children under 3 years in case of pervasive developmental disorder

Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology 2014; 24: Supplement S162-S162
Read: 492 Published: 18 February 2021

Objective: Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) is an early onset neurodevelopmental disorder characterized with impairment in social, communicative and cognitive development and repetitive- restrictive behavior. In our study, we aimed to examine neurological consultation and comorbidity in children diagnosed with PDD who admitted to our outpatient clinic in 2013.

Methods: Files of PDD patients, who admitted to 0-3 year’s outpatient clinic, were evaluated retrospectively.

Results: Clinical evaluation of children under three revealed that 42 children were diagnosed as having autism, 13 children with Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS). 13 children with autism and three children with PDD-NOS accompanied by neurological symptoms, was requested to have neurological consultation. Seven of the children were reported to have normal neurological state and electroencephalogram (EEG), while one patient diagnosed as epilepsy. However the data of the rest 8 patients could not be accessed.

Conclusions: Autism is associated with high rates of epilepsy and subclinical epileptiform activity. Some studies was reported that epileptiform activity could lead to autistic regression. In contrast to literature, we found less comorbidity with PDD and neurological and epileptiform abnormalities.

EISSN 2475-0581