Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology

Neuroimaging Lesion localization and depressive symptoms in patients with multiple sclerosis

Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology 2013; 23: Supplement S142-S142
Read: 668 Published: 20 March 2021

Objective: Like other neurological diseases, which inşuence the brain tissue psychiatric symptoms usually accompany multiple sclerosis (MS). Depression is one of the most common psychiatric conditions in patients with MS. Lifetime prevalence of depression in these patients is 27-54%.

Method: MRI findings of 45 patients with MS were examined and at the same time the severity of depressive symptoms were determined by applying the Beck Depression Inventory. Patients were divided into four groups as supratentorial, supratentorial + infratentorial, supratentorial + spinal and diffuse involvement according to their MR imaging findings. These four groups were compared with each other according to the severity of the depressive symptoms.

Results: Depression scores were measured as 25.63±8.23 at the supratentorial + infratentorial involvement group, 12.72±10.15 at widespread involvement group, 9:25±6.40 at supratentorial + spinal involvement group and 8.85±6.44 at supratentorial involvement group. Depression score in the supratentorial + infratentorial involvement group was significantly higher than the other three groups. Other differences between the groups were not significant.

Conclusion: It is known that lesion localization of the diseases related to the brain tissue have an effect on psychiatric symptoms. Despite opposing views, studies have suggested that plaque localization has an effect on depressive symptoms in MS patients. Our study supports this idea. Large trials are needed in this regard.

EISSN 2475-0581