Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology

Mood disorders Daily repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (RTMS)may improve mood in depression: a case report

Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology 2013; 23: Supplement S200-SS200
Read: 808 Published: 18 March 2021

Current literature points to hypofunction of the lprefrontal cortex in depression. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) activates cortical neurons. In our case, we report a-53-year-old female patient with the diagnosis of depression. she was on various antidepressant medications for 3 years and her symptoms were partially remitted. After 10 sessions of rTMS, depression scores significantly improved. (Hamilton Depression Scores decreased from 20 at baseline to 4 after treatment). We questioned whether daily left prefrontal rTMS might improve mood in resistant depressed subjects and report a case that depression symptoms completely remitted for the first time in 3 years. Daily left prefrontal rTMS appears to be safe, well tolerated and may alleviate depression.

EISSN 2475-0581