Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology
Original Article

Evaluation of the Psychiatric Research Output From Turkey Via Web of Science Database: A Bibliometric Analysis


Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep


Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey

Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology 2020; 30: 423-433
DOI: 10.5455/PCP.20201117083927
Read: 1138 Downloads: 674 Published: 20 January 2021

Background: Global scientific research output is continuously accelerating. Although psychiatric scientific output is increasing, factors such as health systems, scientific programs and financial supports that vary between countries lead to varied levels of contribution. This cross sectional bibliometric study aims to analysis the articles bibliometrically which conducted by researchers from Turkey and indexed in SCI-E index of the Web of Science (WoS)database in the category of Psychiatry.

Methods: According to 2019 data, in the WoS database, journals in the Psychiatry category and indexed in the SCI-E were determined. Publications from Turkey that were published in these journals was determined. For each publication, all information relevant to the analysis was exported to Microsoft Excel and EndNote Desktop. Also, VOSviewer software was used to create a collaboration and word co-occurrence network.

Results: There were 5293 publications which have at least one author from Turkey. Only 774 articles (14.62%) were written as international collaborations. The authors from Turkey were collaborating with the researchers from 66 diffrent countries and USA was leading these countries with 420 publications (%7.93), followed by England (3.3%) and Germany (2.4), respectively. The total number of citations was 53931 for these publications (mean: 10.19±22.51). The most prolific institution is Istanbul University while the most frequently selected journal by Turkish authors is Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology.

Conclusions: Bibliometric studies are crucial in evaluating domain specific research and in planning for efficient use of limited resources. Psychiatric literature from Turkey greatly increased within the last two decades. However, international collaborations are still limited and most of the publications are in journals published in Turkey.

To cite this article: Topal Z, Bahsi I, Tufan AE. Evaluation of the Psychiatric Research Output From Turkey Via Web of Science Database: A Bibliometric Analysis. Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology 2020;30(4):423-433

EISSN 2475-0581