Fluvoxamine is widely used in psychiatry practice in the treatment of depression, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and eating disorders. Leucocytoclastic vasculitis is a serious drug reaction that is characterized by immune complex deposition in the postcapillary venules. It usually presents as purpura on the lower extremities with or without systemic involvement. Here, we report fluvoxamine induced leucocytoclastic vasculitis in a patient with obsessive compulsive disorder. Antidepressants have rarely been associated with leucocytoclastic vasculitis, and to the best of our knowledge vasculitis of any type has not previously been reported in association with fluvoxamine.
Fluvoksamine bağlı kütanöz lökositoklastik vaskülit
Fluvoksamin psikiyatri prati¤inde depresyon, panik bozuklu¤u, obsesif kompulsif bozukluk ve yeme bozuklu¤u tedavisinde yayg›n olarak kullan›lmaktad›r. Lökositoklastik vaskülit postkapiller venlerde immün kompleks depolanmas› ile karakterize ciddi ilaç reaksiyonudur. Genellikle sistemik tutulumla birlikte ya da sistemik tutulum olmadan alt ekstremitelerde purpura fleklinde görülür. Biz obsesif kompulsif bozuklu¤u olan bir hastada fluvoksamine ba¤l› geliflen lökositoklastik vaskülit geliflimini sunmaktay›z. Antidepresanlar nadiren lökositoklastik vaskülite neden olmaktad›r ve bilgilerimize göre daha önce fluvoksamin ile bildirilmemifltir.