Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology

Clinical psychiatry Examination of consultation liaison psychiatry referrals at a rehabilitation setting: one-year experience

Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology 2013; 23: Supplement S268-S268
Read: 765 Published: 17 March 2021

Objective: Rehabilitation setting includes patients with comorbid psychiatric disorders. Turkish Armed Forces Rehabilitation Center is specialized in rehabilitation of orthopedic ilnesses, spinal injury, and traumatic brain injury; particularly serving to wounded soldiers. Varieties of psychiatric symptoms are substantial during the rehabilitation process. Thus, we aimed to examine the consultation liaison psychiatry department referrals in a relatively short period of time.

Methods: Referrals to Consultation Liaison Department between November 2011 and November 2012 were examined retrospectively. Age, sex, marital status, referring clinic, major complaint, primary and comorbid psychiatric diagnoses and implemented treatment data were collected from the patient records.

Results: A total of 544 patients were admitted to the Consultation Liaison Psychiatry Department. Seventy point eight percent (n=385) of them were male, and 29.2% of them (n=159) were female. Patients were 42.5±20.9 years old (mean±SD). Anxiety (47.6%, n=246) was the most often recorded complaint among all. The three most common psychiatric diagnoses were anxiety disorder (46.4%, n=246), depression (20.6%, n=109), and post-traumatic stress disorder (12.1%, n=64).

Conclusion: Rehabilitation settings are mostly for traumatized patients. Responsible physician must take into consideration that the comorbidity rates are high in rehabilitation center patients and in their family members.

EISSN 2475-0581