Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology

Childhood traumas and substance use in criminal antisocial personality disorder patients

Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology 2014; 24: Supplement S335-S335
Read: 718 Published: 17 February 2021

Objective: Antisocial personality disorder (APD) is a temptation personality pathology with symptoms of aggression, nervousness and behavior pathologies. Persons generally have compliance problems at this personality stage.

Methods: In our department, a broad participation study related with criminal APD patients with compliance problems has been carried on. Conspicuous preliminary information related with childhood traumas and substance use of these patients will be shared in this presentation.

Results: Patients’ average education level was 6.88±2.13 years. 32% of them had finished five years education, 56% of them eight years and 5.8% of them twelve years. 7.8% of them had not finished five years education. Almost all (99.1%) were in medium economic level or lower than it. 4.8% of them had not been using substance and 95.1% of them had been using substance. 72.8% of them had multivariate substance use history. When substance feature is considered 12.6% of them had spirit use history. 19.4% of them had treatment history because of that substance use history. Half of the patients (49.5%) had alcohol problem. Parents of 66% of them had been living together. Parents of 16.5% of them had divorced and they were separate. Parents of 17.4% of them were separate because of death. 86.4% of the patients had self-mutilation behavior and 55.3% of them had suicide history. 60.2% of them had childhood trauma.

Conclusion: A study in which violent and nonviolent perpetrator of APD patients had been compared, substance use disorders (abusing + addiction) determined as 83.4% in perpetrator group. In another study, without perpetration feature this rate was determined 86% in lifelong period. Criminal feature of patients can be regarded as the reason why in our study this rate is very high. In studies, relationship between aggression level and domestic violence was presented. On the other hand, close link between APD etiology and childhood traumas has been tried to be presented. In study, in APD patients whose aggression level was high, childhood traumas were determined as a rate of 82.5%. When aggression level is associated with, potential of perpetration this rate was determined low in our study.

EISSN 2475-0581