Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology
Case Report

Acute severe hepatotoxicity associated with clomipramine


Associate Professor of Psychiatry Firat University, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Elazig-Turkey

Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology 2011; 21: 154-155
DOI: 10.5455/bcp.20110706030609
Read: 995 Downloads: 566 Published: 25 February 2021

Miss Y. presented with complaints of irritability, depressed mood, avolition, anhedonia, markedly decreased appetite and around 10 kg weight loss within two months, amenorrhea, dysmorphophobia, and psychomotor retardation. The psychiatric evaluation revealed major depressive episode. She was given a prescription for 25 mg/day of clomipramine for her depression, and also cognitive behavioral therapy was started. Her level of aspartate aminotransferase was 212 IU/liter, and her alanine aminotransferase level was 474 IU/liter. Therefore, clomipramine was stopped urgently. After one month, the enzymes returned to normal values. Physicians should be alert to the possibility that clomipramine can cause acute hepatotoxicity and consider early discontinuation of an antidepressant if the condition is suspected.

Klomipramine bağlı akut ve ciddi hepatotoksisite

Bayan Y, irritabilite, depresif duygudurum, istenç yokluğu, ilgi-istek azalması, iştah azalması ve iki ay içinde 10 kg’a varan kilo kaybı, amenore, dismorfofobi, ve psikoomotor retardasyon bulgu ve yakınmalarıyla başvurdu. Psikiyatrik değerlendirme major depresif epizot varlığını ortaya koydu. Hastaya 25 mg/gün klomipramin ve beraberinde bilişsel davranışçı tedavi başlandı. Aspartat aminotransferaz düzeyi 212 IU/lt ve alanin aminotransferaz düzeyi de 474 IU/lt idi. Bunun üzerine klomipramin hemen kesildi. Bir ay sonra enzim düzeyleri normale dönmüştü. Hekimler, klomipraminin akut hepatotoksisiteye yol açabilme ihtimali karşısında uyanık olmalı ve şüphelenildiğinde kesmelidirler.


EISSN 2475-0581