Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology

A sociodemographic evaluation of addiction cases with suicide attempted

Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology 2014; 24: Supplement S311-S311
Read: 713 Published: 17 February 2021

Objective: EGEBAM is an addiction center that had been in operation since September 2003. We planned this study in order to assess sociodemographic evaluation of addiction cases with attempted suicide.

Method: We reached a total of 371 addiction cases that applied EGEBAM between February 2012 and April 2013 The data obtained from the outpatient records were entered in an information form, which has been developed by us. We found 30 addiction cases that attempted suicide out of 371 cases. All the data were collected and analyzed, using descriptive analysis, chi-square and t-test.

Results: Attempt suicide in addiction patients was female and 46.7% was male. The average age of the samples was 15.83±1.78. 90% of these patients came with their family and others were sent by police. Eighty six percent of them had a previous treatment history. There was a substance abuse in 43.3% of their families. Forty three percent of the patients had lived on the streets. Fourty percent of these patients had a crime. We found some differences between the sociodemographic evaluations. Eighteen percent of female group attempted suicide. On the other hand, Five percent of male group attempted suicide. About fourteen percent of the patients, who had a previous treatment history had a suicide attempt and the 2.2% of the others had at least one suicide attempt. 20% of the patients, who were living on the streets, had a suicide attempt and the suicide rates were 5.6% of the others.

Conclusion: Female gender, living on the street is a significant risk factor for suicide attempt among addiction patients.

EISSN 2475-0581