Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology

A harm minimization program against drug use and HIV problems in Malaysia

Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology 2011; 21: -
Read: 626 Published: 23 March 2021

This symposium highlights the drug use and HIV situations in Malaysia from the perspective of the development of a harm minimization program, methadone assisted therapy for opiate dependents, and the world's first integrated Islamic psychospiritual intervention with methadone treatment in a mosque setting.

The speakers will present four topics that related to the drug problems in Malaysia. The first speaker will talk about harm minimization and the current drugs and HIV situations in Malaysia. The second speaker will highlight the harm reduction services available emphasizing pharmacotherapy options available in Malaysia, the challenges and future directions. The third speaker will focus on psychosocial intervention in particular an innovative psychospiritual intervention called the Spiritual Enhancement of Drug Addiction Rehabilitation (SEDAR) program in the Malaysian Ar-Rahman mosque. The fourth speaker will discuss Assisted Medication Therapy (AST) from an Islamic perspective.

Harm minimization approaches in Malaysia are promising. However, the program needs large scale implementation and new strategies in order to make an impact on HIV/AIDS prevalence.

New and larger platforms and more aggressive promotions are required to implement more harm minimization programs in the community.

EISSN 2475-0581